
About Us

A division of the Feedem Group, Cristal Solutions was acquired along with Feedem Pitseng in March 2017, by RMB Corvest in partnership with Agile Capital and the management team.  This resulted in the forming of the Feedem Group (Pty) Ltd.

Cristal Solutions offers their clients a comprehensive facilities service under one umbrella.

The strength of any company lies in the vision of its management and the ability to generate passion with the staff in pursuing that goal. We are personally involved, take pride in every aspect of the Company’s development and will take a personal interest in retaining you as our customer.

Services Contract Companies, such as Cristal Solutions, specialise in their field of expertise, namely cleaning, labour and related services. This often leads to attracting staff with versatile skills and experiences. This knowledge allows certain companies to become specialists and rise above the competition. It is often the result of many years of trial and error that finally entrenches the correct balance of labour, supervision and the correct application and choice of equipment.

The Customer specialises in a completely different field and cleverly purchases this skill and expertise which lies outside the realm of their direct business. A strategic partnership evolves with both Customer and Contractor pursuing their different visions but for the benefit of a common goal.

Other benefits include:

  • No personnel problems, absenteeism or leave relief or negotiations with unions.
  • No personnel administration work regarding UIF, SDL, Garnishee’s etc.
  • Reduced training costs as on and off-site training designed to be client specific is provided to ensure site compliance and customer satisfaction.
  • No time spent on HR, IR and CCMA issues.
  • No capital outlay on machinery and repairs where required.
  • No purchasing of cleaning materials and other consumables, as a fixed amount is contracted and it is simple to budget.
  • We are Tax and OHS Act compliant and in doing so, protect clients against third party liability.
  • Membership to the NCCA also brings a field of advantages to client for more peace of mind as they are the guardians of the Cleaning Industry who have a strict Code of Conduct which must be adhered too.
  • Depending of the industry in which Labour is supplied to, the Company adheres to specific Industry Regulations i.e. MIBCO, etc.
  • We adhere to all current Legislation relating to Contract Cleaning Industry incl. Pest Control, Hygiene etc. as well as the Outsourced Labour Industry.
  • In our day to day Operation we promote all green initiatives and will assist Clients in reducing their carbon footprint.