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Welcome to Cristal Solutions

Our Cleaning Division

specialises in providing professional cleaning services to a wide spectrum of clients, using non-chemical agents, i.e. microbial, enzymatic and plant extract alternatives for standard cleaning requirements.

Our Hygiene Division

provides a fully serviced washroom solution for your premises. Our equipment is environmentally friendly and available on Rental or Outright purchase.

Cristal Outsource

provides personnel outsourcing and deployment services to a variety of industries at all levels of expertise, from manual labourers to specialist personnel. This division is lately specialising in water recycling and remediation using only natural processes.

Cristal Pest Control

offers a professional and personalised Pest Control Service to the Industrial, Commercial and Domestic Industry, using only biodegrable and organic toxins.

We are a Level II, 51% black and 30% black female owned, BEE compliant company.

Cristal Solutions, a division of Feedem Group (Pty) Ltd, is a comprehensive facilities services company with a combined vision, guaranteeing a strong service and quality focus across many different disciplines.

Cristal Solutions is first and foremost a green company. All our divisions are dedicated to the use of environmentally friendly and bio-degradable chemicals. In many of our offerings we set the benchmark, put in the research and develop sustainable solutions for our clients, our society and the planet.

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